.. _get-started-doc: .. ipython:: python :suppress: from rateslib.fx import * from datetime import datetime as dt ***************** Get Started ***************** .. note:: **Rateslib-excel** is not downloadable. The files are provided as part of the distribution to users with an extended `commercial licence `_. Requirements ************** To use *rateslib-excel* you will need: - **Python** (>=3.9) and an environment with **rateslib** and **pyxll** installed. - A supported version of **Excel** and the **pyxll add-in** installed and working. - A **commercial licence** extension to use *rateslib* and the provided **rateslib-excel** module files. Setup ******* With *pyxll* installed and working within *Excel* perform the following tasks: 1) Move the provided *rateslib-excel* files to a directory location on your local drive. E.g. ``C:\Users\your-user-id\rateslib-excel\`` 2) Open the ``pyxll.cfg`` configuration file and add that named directory to the following relevant config sections: **Path** .. code-block:: [PYTHON] ; ... pythonpath = ./examples C:\Users\your-user-id\rateslib-excel **Imported Modules** .. code-block:: [PYXLL] ; ... modules = misc ; ... rateslib_pyxll_module **Cached Object Display** .. code-block:: [PYXLL] ; ... get_cached_object_id = rateslib_pyxll_module.get_cached_object_id In this last step make sure to remove the semi-colon at the start of the line to uncomment it! 3) Restart Excel and the *rateslib-excel* library functions will be available!